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Monday 3 May 2010

I'm an angry expat: where's my vote?

Having written and sent a complaint to the North Kesteven District Council, responsible for the area in which I've registered as a postal voter, they only sent the final ballot papers out on the 28th April, I was going to write a blog posting about the fiasco of postal votes.

Having read the following blog by Anna Nicholas I don't need to as her article says it all. I'm an angry expat: where's my vote? – Telegraph Blogs
Except for her last comment!


  1. Hello Elliot, many thanks for your comment on the Telegraph site. I am relieved to hear that it's not just me who has been having problems with the electoral services. The Commission really has got to get to grips with the fiasco. Now we are learning of possibly thousands of bogus postal votes being receieved and we haven't even been able to register our own legitimate votes!

  2. Hola! Also in Spain and this happened to me in the previous general election too.

    I wrote letters to the British Embassy in Madrid and the Electoral Commission (quango?) in London and it was obvious from their responses they were not in the least interested.

    This would have been my last opportunity to vote, owing to 15 year rule. I am angry and know of many others, in our situation.

    The press are reporting that fraud is rife, and the police are already investigating several complaints. Won´t help us though!
    Sincerely, Philip Champion


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