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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Saw palmetto no benefit as prostate remedy

Approximately a half of men over the age of 50 suffer to some degree with 'Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia' (BPH).

The taking of a herbal supplement made from the fruit of the Saw Palmetto tree has for many years been considered beneficial in the relief of the the symptons and effects of BPH, often being recommended by doctors as a alternative to conventional drug treatment.

There has been considerable debate as to the effectiveness of taking a regular dose of Saw Palmetto. The results of a new study may well begin to bring to an end the debate, or intensify it.

The results of a study led by Michael Barry, MD, at Massachusetts General Hospital, indicate that Saw Palmetto had no greater effect than taking a placebo on the symptoms of BPH. Co-author of the report of the study, Gerald Andriole, MD, the Robert K. Royce Distinguished Professor and chief of urologic surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, said. "Men should not spend their money on this herbal supplement as a way to reduce symptoms of enlarged prostate because it clearly does not work any better than a sugar pill."

Read more detail of the study in ScienceDaily Saw palmetto no benefit as prostate remedy.

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