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Friday 3 July 2009

Los Verdes should read what I've actually written

Los Verdes have published an article on the Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa blog entitled CONTESTACIÓN AL SR. ELLIOT SAMPFORD in reply to my recent articles about the proposed recycling collection depot, in the main article Recycling Collection Depot - Entre Golf/PAU26 and mention of it in Resignation from Los Verdes de Pais Valencia and Los Verdes Continue to Mislead.

In reply to Los Verdes let me first of all clarify that
I stand by my opinions expressed in the articles and the facts and supportive documents that I have included in them.

I suggest that Los Verdes read in full detail what
I have actually written.

News stories have appeared in the local English press as a result of the content of the articles on this blog and comments made to the reporters by myself and other residents. I have no control over the editorial content and interpretation of the situation given in any of the newspaper articles.

One of the major claims made by Los Verdes is that I stated that they proposed, or agreed, or will agree, to the continuation of the functioning of the illegal 'rubbish transfer depot' (illegal tip) on the PAU 26 plot of land.

I have made no such claims or statements.

In fact on several occasions I make reference to the fact that Los Verdes, naively in my opinion, believed or hoped that the PP would remove the illegal rubbish transit depot from the PAU 26 plot.

I use the term 'naively' because in their article
CONTESTACIÓN AL SR. ELLIOT SAMPFORD Los Verdes say; "Nunca, jamás, este Grupo Municipal ha contemplado la posibilidad de que se instale allí una Planta de Transferencia, ni que se consienta que allí entren camiones con residuos," which I translate as meaning 'Never, not ever has this Municipal Group contemplated the possibility of the installation there of a transfer depot, nor that there was consent for lorries with rubbish'. In paragraph two of the article Los Verdes say "Desde Los Verdes de Orihuela hemos intentado, sin éxito por la actitud del P.P., que se devolviera la zona verde a su anterior estado" which I translate as ' Los Verdes have tried without success, because of the attitude of the PP, to get the green zone returned to it's previous state'. Did Los Verdes really believe that the PP were going to suddenly stop allowing the use of the PAU 26 plot of land, that had been illegally used for many years, as a convenient rubbish transfer depot?

As an aside it's worth a mention that in neither the press release issued by Los Verdes on the 22nd April 2009, and the article
OTRA BARBARIDAD MEDIOAMBIENTAL DEL PP on the 'Los Verdes de Orihuela' blog or the article Another Environmental Barbarity by the PP on the 'Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa' blog (a translation by me and approved by my erstwhile colleagues) is there any mention of a proposal for the rubbish transfer depot to go from the site. (This was an oversight I'm sure)

In the article Recycling Collection Depot - Entre Golf/PAU26 I added a note to the copy of the minutes of the meeting held with the residents on the 4th May 2009 as follows; "(Note: The reference to domestic and garden rubbish was based on the unsubstantiated assumption that the illegal refuse transitional dump being carried out on the PAU 26 plot of land would cease and be moved to another location)". Further on in the article I quote an email I sent to my erstwhile colleagues in the Orihuela Costa Working Group it reads as follows; "Hi, Is Monserrate going to issue a press release about the change of location of the ecoparque and the removal of the illegal tip to a new site, or are you going to write something for me to put on the blog? Elliot". In the closing paragraphs of the article I ask; Is the intended action of the PP Council to locate the rubbish transfer dump and the recycling collection depot on this site the thin end of the wedge?

If Los Verdes believe I have said that they proposed or agreed to the continuation of the functioning of the 'illegal transfer depot' (illegal tip) on the PAU 26 plot of land, I would suggest they quote the extracts from my articles, on this blog, where I have stated that I believe it to be Los Verdes policy.

On the matter of the assurances given by Mr Perret to the residents during the meeting on the 4th May 2009 my point is that those given were unconfirmed and Los Verdes knowing how the PP work should have known not to give them without confirmed proof.

In my article
Recycling Collection Depot - Entre Golf/PAU26 I quote my email of the 15th May to Los Verdes and the reply on the 16th May from Clr. Guillén which said "No. No hemos tenido todavía esa reunión. El Sr. Abadía es un concejal muy "ocupado" y no me ha recibido aún. Espero que el lunes podamos tener la reunión. Hasta que no sepamos cuáles son sus verdaderas intenciones no heré un comunicado de prensa; quizás es lo que él está esperando, pero no podemos caer en su juego". with a translation of 'No. We still have not had that meeting yet. Sr. Abadia is a very 'busy' Councillor and he still hasn't met with me. I hope that on Monday we can have the meeting. Until then we don't know what their true intentions are, we will not issue a press release, perhaps that is what he is waiting for, but we cannot fall into their game."

If Los Verdes supposedly knew on the 4th May what the PP's intentions were how is it that on the 16th May they didn't?

( Additional note: I would make the point that as at 13.30hrs 3rd July 2009 Mr Wally Stewartson, Chairman of the Community of Owners R6B, confirmed that he still has not received any communication from Los Verdes about the recycling collection depot since the meeting on the 4th May 2009.)

In their article CONTESTACIÓN AL SR. ELLIOT SAMPFORD Los Verdes say "Otra cosa muy distinta es que quienes gobiernan este Ayuntamiento cambien de opinión de un día para otro" which I understand to mean 'Another very clear thing is that those who govern this Town Council change their opinion from one day to another'. In that case why state something to the residents, as 'fact', that had not been confirmed in writing?

In conclusion; I reiterate my opening statement that I stand by my opinions expressed, and the facts and supportive documents that I have included, in my articles on this blog mentioned above.

It's time to move on now because the important battle has to be to stop the recycling collection depot, and/or the rubbish transfer depot, and whatever else, to do with rubbish collection, the governing PP have planned for the PAU 26 and I-EG-1 plots of land within this residential area.

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