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Sunday, 21 November 2010

Moronic Householder comes out of hibernation.

It has been 14 days since my last sighting of the results of the work of the Moronic Householder in my locality. Whilst I hoped, and still do, for a miracle I know that the sub-human species 'Homo Moron Paterfamilias' is not extinct, as many other people have recently commented to me that they to have MHs living in their localities.

I was living with false hope that our local MH had either moved away or had a change of intellect and attitude. But no; the workings of MH materialised again this morning.

Having woken-up from a short hibernation, like many animals do, MH has decided it's time to clean out the bed chamber of 'Casa del idiota'. How thoughtful to bring the old mattress and pillows out, of course undercover of the evening dark , and leave them lying in the street for some homeless person; or drunken holidaymaker who can't remember in the early hours of the morning where the rented villa is; to use for comfort for the night. Although looking at the state of them even drunks and the homeless might have second thoughts.

What is even more anthropologically interesting about this is that we may have at least two MHs locally. Earlier this morning the fly tipped bedding could be seen situated between the rubbish container and the perimeter wall seen in the photograph. At some point another MH had dragged the items away from the wall, I wonder who, and left them to the side of the bin. Wouldn't it have been a sensible idea to have deposited the pillows into the bin? Of course not leave it up to some other resident to clean up.

All that MH had to do in the moment of drowsiness was to telephone the refuse collection coordinator at the Town Hall and arrange for the mattress to have been collected, free of charge and at an agreed time, from casa del idiota to save it lying and rotting in the street until the council's cleaning contractor deems to pass by and collect it.

Oh well a short photo-email to VS at the Town Hall should do the job to clean up MH's mess, again.

1 comment:

  1. I've just been out to clean up some of MH's mess by putting the pillows in the rubbish bin and some decent person has got there before me. Thank you very much whoever you are. A little bit of faith in other people's community spirit has returned.


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